
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Close-out Sale

I'm having a close-out sale on felting/spinning kits in my etsy shop. I'm no longer going to be making these up and am ready to move them on out of the studio.

This kit is regularly $22.00 - it's now on sale for $17.00

These kits are usually $28.00 - they're on close-out sale for $22.00

Click HERE to purchase


  1. I am neither spinner nor felter, but I'm looking for something new & different to make for Christmas gifts this year. Is there something easy you might recommend for felting that I could do, and take advantage of your sale?

    1. Peg, you could make felted soaps, they make very fun gifts. I layer roving around the bar of soap, going in different directions, fairly thick. I put it in a knee high stocking (optional), very carefully, and start rubbing it between my hands in hot water, move to cold water, back and forth until it felts. Take out of the stocking and sit to dry. End result is a bar of soap and washcloth/scrubbie in one. I'll bet there are YouTube videos showing how to do it as it's hard for me to describe. If there's someone crafty on your gift list you could even put together a little kit for them to do their own. The little bit of merino/tussah that's in some of the kits will felt differently - the silk won't felt so will create a rippley effect which can be fun. I've never tried it in soap.

  2. OK! I've seen some demos of felted soaps, and I think I'll give it a go. Meanwhile, if some other small felted item strikes me, I'll be open to that, too. I'm going to go order a kit. :-)


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