
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

This and that.........

 Yesterday I had enough ice to ice-dye 4 silk & rayon devore shawls.  I love how they turned out. They're now up for sale in my etsy shop and can be found in the Hand-dyed Silk Shawl section of the shop.

I finished plying the handspun I was spinning at the fair. It's a bit thinner than fingering weight. I love how it turned out. Not sure what it will grow up to be yet - I haven't counted how many yards are here yet.

Fire season is getting scarier here.  New fires are sprouting up each and every day, luckily we have enough resources to jump on them quickly. I heard a copter fly low over the house 2 nights ago at 10pm but discounted it being a fire as they stop flying at dark - I figured it was a medical copter. Found out the next morning it was for a fire a few miles up the road from us - luckily it was snuffed out quickly. As I type there's a fast moving fire south of us - not dangerous for us at all unless it really blew up, like some of those fires in CA. The road is closed between here and there as the fire is on both sides of it - this is very close to a fire from a few weeks ago where 3 homes and a few outbuildings were lost. There are level 3 evacuations which means get out, don't stop to gather anything, just get out........the road where my relatives used to live is in that evacuation zone, they're living in MT now. These fires have to be human caused as there's been no lightening here all summer. I feel like I'm holding my breath all the's tough to live under constant stress of possible forest fires........I don't sleep well, I think about fire all the time. The fall rains can't come soon enough for me but we've still got a month or more to go..........a month is a long time during fire season.........


  1. The silk ice dyed shawls are lovely, but that handspun?! OMG!! It is just gorgeous! Soft and strong enough for socks?

    So glad I don't live in a fire-prone area. I deal with lots of winter snow, but that's really primarily just an inconvenience.

    1. I don't think I'd use the handspun for socks, it's merino and I don't think it would wear well in the long term. It could become a shawl, a vest, or some other piece of clothing.

  2. Those scarves and that yarn are beautiful! Sorry to hear fire season is off and running up there again. I've heard there are quite a few fires in the west but news is so busy covering other stuff that it doesn't show the things going on that we want and need to know about. Stay safe! There have been some fires here in SoCal over the past few weeks too. There was a big one that burned over 30k acres and I think it burned over 100 homes. It's out now though. Had a few smaller ones start up this week but none have been close and we haven't even smelled the smoke from any of them because the winds have gone in different directions. It seems it's almost always fire season here now but we're in the worst part now. Fingers crossed it won't be too bad. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, it does seem like CA is always in fire season - and they're so big and so devastating. Scary times.


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