
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

New weaving underway

The new weaving underway is for baby blankets. A family member is possibly interested in one but doesn't know yet if it's a boy or girl..........I'm going to need one after the beginning of the year (boy or girl???) as a gift and my only baby blanket in stock is the same as one I already gave the new mother 18 months ago. And I always need baby blankets in stock to sell.  So, a good time to weave baby blankets. It's hard to tell in the photo but this is a very pale peach and a very pale pink window pane check.  Next warp up with be green and blue window pane check. Very simple weaving with no floats for baby's fingers to get caught in.


  1. Cindie, do you mind telling us what size you are making your lovely baby blankets. I have to purchase yarn for a couple in the next day or two. Many thanks.

    1. Dianne, I generally make my baby blankets anywhere 36-38" in the reed and weave them 44" long which includes enough for the hem. These are actually a bit narrower, not on purpose, but on account that as I was listening to a book on CD I wasn't paying attention and left off the last stripe! I don't know what a 'standard' size is for a baby blanket but I like this size.

    2. Thanks, that's very helpful. I asked my daughter if I should make an extra one and she just raised her wine glass and said cheers :(

  2. Oh won't those be appreciated! Pretty colors too.

  3. Perfect little blankies for little ones.


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