
Sunday, June 5, 2016

This and that........

Just back from 4 days on the coast - we left 64 sunny degrees late morning over there and 2 1/2 hours later pulled in the driveway back here in the valley to 100 degrees.   Phew - too early in the season to be this hot.........I have heard by mid-week the temps will come back down.

I didn't get much weaving done while on the coast but a little bit - a couple of green false damask towels.......

......and a couple of blue-grey false damask towels.......the rest of the warp will be there waiting for me whenever we get time to go back over.....which is not right now......

There's a fun rally & charm trail going on over on the coast to benefit the Coos Art Museum in celebration of their 50th anniversary. It's a quite impressive museum for a small town, I've seen some wonderful shows there.  I've collected around half the charms so far from area businesses/galleries/museums........I've got until the end of the year to collect them all.  It's been fun to visit places we haven't been yet on our travels.


  1. Oh how fun is that charm collecting!!! I am a total sucker for charms and bracelets.
    Beautiful false damask. I'e been eyeing something similar for the Gem but just can't get into picking colors and I am sick of cream or white or beige......
    Fingers crossed it cools. Gosh I really could just skip summer as a season all together

    1. You and me both on skipping summer. Some love it but I don't care for the extreme heat or fire season. At least we don't have humidity here too.

      I love charm bracelets too - I've made 3 of them knitting/sheep/spinning, one with a tea theme and one with a coastal/beach theme. This one benefiting the museum will have way too many charms on it but it's fun.

  2. Great weaving, as always! You're very talented! That would be a lot of fun to collect those charms! :-D Stay cool! It was really hot here for a few days but has cooled back down to the 80's. Whew!


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