
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

More ice dyeing.....

Just a bit more ice-dyeing - love the hot pink in this....... the subtle lavenders and blues in this one......

.......and this one with the lavenders and grey blues has really caught my eye......I've listed it in my shop but am still giving thought to keeping it..........if it sells soon then it wasn't meant to be but if it sticks around it's definitely mine.......or may end up being mine anyhow........

So I decided to try out ice-dyeing on a warp (for you non-weavers, a warp is the lengthwise threads that go on a loom for weaving). Usually I paint (dye with brushes) warps for weaving but thought I'd see what happens with ice-dyeing. It's not what I expected. I guess I thought it might be more mottled like ice-dyeing fabric. There are some color differences but not much. This warp is just for one scarf as it was an experiment. The fiber is a blend of cotton and rayon. So, I'll put it on the loom soon and weave it off and see how I like the effect - will it have a watercolor effect? or just look almost a solid shade of green? How it turns out will determine if I ice dye a warp again.

I have more silk/rayon shawls to dye - some ice-dyed, some with ombre effects but I need to set those aside until sometime next week as I've got other things that need attention first.

I'm coming down the homestretch on the gingko shawl. I took it to work on at my spinning group yesterday - big mistake as I'm down to the lace rows which include a gingko leaf. I ended up backing out two rows, last night here at home I reknit those and knit one more row so not much to show for my day.


  1. Cindie, the red shawl has my name written all over it! Very pretty!

    I am surprised how the the ice dyed yarn looks, thought it would show more color. It will be interesting to see how it weaves up.

    1. I was surprised the ice dyed yarn came out so pale but I guess with all that ice diluting the dyes that's what happens. Jury is out on if I ice-dye a warp again or just stick with my warp painting.

  2. Those shawls are lovely. Did the blank come with the fringe? I agree on the painted warp - not sure all your work will pay off - looking forward to the final product :)

    1. Yes, those shawls came with the fringe........and it does tangle in the rinsing process......kind of a pain but not impossible to untangle.


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