
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Re-entry is the pits.......

We're just back from 6 stormy days on the coast. It was great but 're-entry' always sucks. We're both thrown into trying to play catch-up with work, phone calls, the emails we've ignored while being gone. I've done all I can do today, will pick it back up tomorrow morning when I pull and box up orders to get in the mail.

Sam was pulling up vinyl and underlayment in preparation for new flooring we'll be installing. It's slow going but coming along.  Since I determined working with a crow bar was a one person job I went to the spinning group at The Wool Co and spent time weaving. We did get in walks in-between squalls, we had hurricane force winds but were able to manage not to get wet until this far away from the house or other shelter as we could be the skies opened up - we got drenched..........although Bailey didn't mind.

Here's the cottolin towel warp I was working on - very beachy colors - this one I used the seaglass aqua for the weft. I'm still working on this stash of cottolin although it's getting smaller. Maybe 2 more warps and all that will be left will be small bits on the spools.

Here I used the sand color for weft. Forgot to say - this is a 4 harness point twill.

Sure wish I had mentioned to someone before I decided to tie this new warp on to the previous warp. A friend would have reminded me that I don't tie on to warps because I can thread the heddles and reed much quicker. It's been years since I've done it, hopefully I won't forget how much I dislike it so it won't happen again. And then there was one warp end that the knot came undone as I was winding on the back there's a warp end with a weight hanging off the back of the loom.  I won't get into warping methods because weavers are very divided on this subject.......other than to say I'm a back to front warper and tying onto the previous warp is too much like front to back with tangles as the warp ends have to travel both through the reed and heddles - argh.

But I got it on and started weaving on a new towel warp. I like these colors although they're not very spring/summery. They'll actually go well in my kitchen in the woods here so I'll keep a couple.

I started knitting another shawlette, this one using my handspun. I got a little further on it on the drive home.  This yarn was spun from some of my hand-dyed merino/bamboo - it was my Baltic colorway.


  1. I quite agree with you, I hate to tie-on a warp, I think that is the big reason why I tend to change my threadings everytime I put on new warps. Front to back I also tried and am back to put warp on from the back.

    1. I also tend to change my drafts with each warp that goes on the loom but I was liking this one so much for towels I decided to do another. I won't be tying on again though - not good use of my time. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Well welcome back Cindie! Glad you went to guild instead crowbar work. So much more fun. The towels are looking fantastic and kudos for tying a warp onto another. It is not something I've done as winding a new warp always seems much easier to me!

    1. It is much easier and faster to just thread the heddles and reed rather than tie on - at least for me - I must have lost my mind the other day deciding to tie on!

  3. Goodness I have no idea about anything to do with weaving other than to say that I think your work is beautiful!! xx


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