
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Yummy chenille........

Black chenille shawl warp wound today, awaiting the threading of the heddles and reed........kind of boring to weave all black but the end result is a yummy black classic shawl so it's worth it.

Just as I was downloading the warp picture above I glanced out the window and saw this great double rainbow........'s the other side of it.......
.......and here's a close-up. Have you ever stood at one end of a rainbow? I've never been that close but my husband has been and said it's warm. I wanted to chase one down a couple weeks ago a we were driving home from town but he nixed that idea as it would have been many more miles than it was of these days......

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots! Hats off to you for working with black chenille. I just finished sewing something black and I won't be rushing to work with that color any time soon.


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