
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Entering a new decade.......

I have just entered a new decade - 60 - how can I possibly be 60??? How can I be the age where the cute young guys at the coffee drive-ups could be my grandsons rather than my sons??? I think there's been a mistake - I'm not really 60!  I got a couple discounts at stores when I turned 55, maybe there are more to come now that I'm 60, JoAnn Fabrics has a discount day each month for those 60 and older........need to find out which day that is.

My mother was going through photos a couple weeks ago and found this one from my 8th birthday. We all look so innocent - 8 year olds these days look much more sophisticated than we did. I know everyone in this picture except a couple backs of heads, I'm sure I'd remember them if I could see their faces. Take a look at that special cake my grandmother made me - for several years she made me doll cakes, after the party she'd take the doll and make an outfit for the doll with a huge skirt as in a Gone with the Wind Scarlet O'Hara outfit. I wish I had a photo of the outfits she made, they were made with round circles, folded and tied with yarn.......those circles almost felt like a strong coffee filter and came in white, pink, lavender and blue.  Does anyone remember these?  I ended up having a bride and 3 bridesmaids from those birthdays where I got a doll cake. And check out that fancy hair-do I've got - bangs must have just been cut and spoolies were worn overnight to get that funky bob.


  1. Happy birthday! Inside, you are not 60 -- more like 25 or 30, I think! I love this photo. Nani never made me a birthday cake, but I remember my mom making lots of doll cakes, with a Barbie stuck inside (I had a special one with amputated legs!) I made my own for my 50th birthday. Hope you're doing something fun with Sam (happy birthday to him tomorrow).

    1. You weren't in the DC area on your birthdays to get a doll cake from Nani - wondering if they still sold those round circles at Kresges for the doll skirts when you were doll birthday age..........

  2. I think you're fibbing. You can't possibly be 60! Happy Birthday to my 39 and some months old friend.

  3. Happy birthday! - You are as old as you feel! :-)

    1. ......and some days I feel older than others but never 60!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Cindie, here is to many more! Your mention of Kresges made me smile, whatever happened to the true dime stores? Dollar General and that ilk just are not the same.

    1. Thank you.

      Yes, I loved Kresges and Woolworths growing up. Once I started sewing I loved the fabric department downstairs. Your right, the dollar stores just aren't the same.

  5. Happy, happy birthday, dear Cindie!!! Oh, yes, I DO remember those doll cakes and the dresses that looked like something out of Gone with the Wind ... and I have to share -- I know the feeling of suddenly realizing that the guy at the store that was so helpful wasn't doing it because he thought I was a hottie -- it was because I reminded him of his Grandma! YIKES!!!

    Sending you a big birthday hug,

    1. .....and they address us like grandma's too.......... :-)

  6. Happy Birthday my friend. And Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. A bit late! but Congratulations on reaching that big birthday!
    And remember, age is just a number.


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