
Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Spent the past 4 days on the coast. I didn't do any painting, did watch Sam work on painting doors. I got the loom warped using more of that cottolin stash.........random warp strips using 8 colors, using 5 different colors in blocks for the weft on this first towel. Where did I get all the yellow, gold, orange and red cottolin??? It's really becoming a challenge to use up my cottolin stash without buying other warp will be even more challenging. This pic is looking brighter on my monitor than it really is - the colors are really nice autumn tones. Will I have them done in time to be used by someone this autumn? Who knows since they're over at the beach cottage and now I'm here at home..........


  1. Oh thy look great Cindie! Lucky you at the coast watching someone paint. ;-)
    I'm measuring out an orange warp for the new Mac myself....

  2. So happy to see such a pretty sight on this rainy day here in NY!

  3. Nice cheerful colors! I love the random stripes. They make "simple" towels look quite complicated!


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