
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Going on a yarn diet......

I'm going on a yarn diet - I have no business buying knitting yarn, no business at all. I arranged, in bags, 8 projects - the yarn and the knitting patterns. These are from patterns and yarn I bought and threw in the closet in the computer/guest room.............this is not from my huge knitting yarn stash down in the studio......all that yarn bought on speculation because I liked it and/or it was on sale and I couldn't resist. So, I'm hoping my friends will help me keep on this diet - if you see me starting to buy some knitting yarn ask me what I'm going to use it for - the only reason I should buy any for several years is if it's for a specific project I'm going to start and I don't have suitable yarn already in my stash. So, the photo above is just those projects up next in the knitting embarrassing photos of the studio stash. Now I should clarify that this doesn't apply to buying yarn used for weaving - I have a huge stash but I also go through it quickly and empty cones on a regular basis......after all I sell my weaving.......I don't sell my knitting.

Ok. so as an offshoot to this yarn diet I need to stop buying knitting needles just because I don't remember if I have them in my stash. For example - I just counted 16 size 7 double points - why in the world would I need so many of that size???  The only double points I need extras of are size 1's and 2's for when I have multiple pairs of socks going.

Now to decide once I finish my current spinning what knitting project I want to start on. Spinning and knitting are perfect to work on while we watch tv in the evenings or when I'm on the road.

Now we won't discuss a food diet at the moment.......all I can say is that I need to go on one of those too.........


  1. ME TOO! I'm just sitting here nodding like a bobble head.

  2. You're not alone in this situation. Getting all the known ideas queued up as projects is a good idea then everything else is "expendable" as gifts or experimentation. That's been my TDF effort, getting a handle on the herd too.

  3. "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

    I'm inspired -- I think I'll cut back a bit ... I don't think I'm quite strong enough for a 100% total yarn diet.


    1. Well I still will get my textile buying high from purchasing weaving yarns.........just got to lay off the knitting yarn for a while..........a long while.............


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