
Monday, August 3, 2015

Another shawl

Forgot to take a photo of another handwoven shawl.  This one is using the same county fair challenge handspun yarn as the knit shawl I did earlier this summer.  I had extra so I figured I'd weave a shawl to add to our fair display.  Unfortunately I didn't capture the color quite right but that's life......I'm certainly not a photographer. I haven't decided if I'm keeping this shawl or not since I have the knit one in the same colors - it would be nice to leave over on the coast to use there......will be giving it thought........

I haven't complained about the fires in at least a day or so - there's now one a bit NW of us in Kelsey Creek. I heard the heavy copters heading out this morning, there are crews on it. I haven't heard any updates but am hoping they jumped on this one before it blows up out of conrol like the one to the NE of us, the Stout Fire - the terrain and winds are beating the heck out of those fire fighters. The worst thing for the past few days is the smoke - sinus headaches abound.  We're getting the smoke down low in the atmosphere from the Stout Fire - getting it higher in the atmosphere from the fires in Northern California. Have I said lately that I hate fire season??? 


  1. There's nothing wrong with any of those pictures.... great job. :)
    Surpassed only by the gorgeous shawls....
    You have been busy!

    Thank you for the shawls that arrived in my mail box too.... just in time too! :)

  2. That's a beauty Cindie! Such a handsome piece. Oh god yes, the smoke, the lightening, the idiot hikers and campers out in the woods. I'm ready to be done with fire season too.

  3. Lovely, simply lovely!


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