
Thursday, July 16, 2015

When things go awry at the loom........

Best laid plans. I put on a handspun warp for a shawl, it was the leftover handspun from the knit shawl I recently made for our county fair display challenge. I put on an advancing twill thinking I'd use a solid color bamboo for the weft. Although I've used this combination together before it didn't look right with this particular handspun so it was on to Plan B.......once I came up with a Plan B. I don't have much to pull from in thicker fibers, especially wools as I usually weave finer. I looked at my shelf of handspun and pulled one down that had similar colors as I had no solids in the right color. Of course my advancing twill is lost because of all the color but it was already threaded so I went ahead with the treadling for it. It's now ready to wash, should be interesting to see how it turns feels really nice and soft right off the loom........oh, and color really isn't true in this photo, just couldn't get good color today.........

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