
Friday, July 10, 2015

Thinking of autumn

Yep, thinking of autumn already which means the end to fire season......yes, I digress, fire season is always on my mind June thru September.  But back to the towels, I got these hemmed and photographed yesterday, they're now up for sale in my etsy shop. I was shocked at how much these shrank in the washing process - I expect up to 15% on towels but this cottolin (cotton/linen blend) shrunk 25% in length. I should have snapped a picture of the lint in the dryer lint catcher - it was a record amount on a first washing........these are some thick and thirsty towels in spite of leaving what seems like pounds of lint behind.

We had a storm last night that came with tons of lightning, hits right down the road from us, hopefully the rain was enough to keep fires from starting close by - spotter planes will be up looking for smoke today. I heard there were 10 fires started but not sure where or if they were already snuffed out, no morning updates available yet.

1 comment:

  1. What pretty towels! I love the autumn colors!

    I'm enjoying a bit of rain, and a respite from the heat. Funnily enough, where we are living now, the storms often seem to go around us.


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