
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Yum - just put together this salad for the guild potluck today. Room temperature it tastes great, should be really good once cooled and the flavors have melded. Found this on The Pioneer Woman's website. I could see using this recipe all summer long adding other fresh veggies as they're in season, cucumbers would be great in it.  She must have added much more of the olives and tomatoes than I did - her pix are way more colorful.


  1. I bookmarked recipe and as soon as I can get to town to buy some of the ingredients will make it. Need to go in soon to pay my property taxes before July 2nd.

    1. It was really good and we ate leftovers for dinner. This is a keeper recipe. Would be great with some grilled chicken or shrimp in it too.


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