
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cutting it close.......

Cutting it close on the width of the cottolin towel warp that went on the loom at the beach last weekend - I had to wind on very slowly so threads didn't jump off the corrugated cardboard......and over there I didn't have anything else to use.  Next time over I'll get to threading heddles and reed and start weaving......I definitely need wider cardboard.......

Our weaving guild challenge this year is " boldly go where you have not gone before" - our challenge item could have to do with outer-space, galaxies, space in weave structures, weave something you have not dared to weave before.  I was inspired by the work of other weavers online that have woven scarves, shawls and wall hangings using a spaced warp technique so I decided to give it a try.

Here's my cotton warp space in the reed. I chose an 8/2 cotton so it wouldn't be slippery with hopes of the threads staying where I wanted them.......

 .......on the loom with pieces of poster board as spacers for the weft....... I've already twisted the fringe and am pulling out the posterboard.......
.....and here's the finished scarf. I think it fits the challenge criteria. I wish it were a bit softer after washing but it's ok. If I were going to make more I'd use a different cotton..........but I won't be making more.......

I would have had a picture of the shawl warp that I got on the loom today but I had to go back and correct a 5 thread cluster of threading errors so I never got to weaving other than to double check the threading again. That's what happens when one sees smoke between the trees where it shouldn't be and jumps up to check it out. They've been getting handle on the lightening caused fires but this one was caused by a mower this afternoon - sheesh, be smart people. Copters and engines quickly knocked it down. I turned on a local radio station that's great with fire updates so found out within minutes what was going on.  It's going to be a long fire season, sometimes I wonder how I'll keep my sanity until October.


  1. After the guild board meeting yesterday we have a theme to present to the general membership when we reconvene in September. We will be doing a year-long study of Japanese weaving and textiles so Japan/Pacific Rim is our theme. It's going to be fun!

    1. Oh, that's a great guild theme! I'd love to be a part of that one.

  2. I am totally new to weaving and don't as yet belong to a guild. Hmmm, come to think of it I don't even know if there is a guild in southern New Hampshire. Your project is gorgeous, well all of your work is beautiful and it is clear that you have been weaving for a while now and that it is your calling! :D
    Hugs for now,
    Beth P

    1. Beth, there's a pretty good chance there's a weaving guild within driving distance of you - check with weaving/yarn shops to see what you can find. You might also find something on the HGA website about guilds in your area. They're a great place to learn and be inspired by what other guild members are weaving. Welcome to the wonderful world of weaving! Cindie


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