
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Back to reality......

We spent this past holiday week on the coast. Now it's back to reality with a crazy re-entry period - sometimes 're-entry' does me in. I have stacks of orders to pull, box up and print postage for so they can go out in the mail Monday.  One order is for some roving that sold out a couple days before but Etsy relisted 21 of them - I've never had 21 bags of any single roving in stock at one time - argh. I saw that a few others had this same issue the past few days. I'm hoping my customer will be ok with waiting for me to get more in - I wasn't planning on placing an order with Ashland Bay for 3-4 more weeks but looks like I'll be placing one Monday morning.

I did some more painting of kitchen cabinets at the beach cottage.  I didn't get a picture of the two sections of upper cabinets I painted but I did take a picture of the new shelf Sam made and I painted to hang under the high kitchen cabinet. I love it.  The kitchen is going to look really nice when we're done - eventually we'll have new countertops if we can ever get a contractor out, then we'll put in a glass backsplash with some color. The only thing in the house we can't do is the countertops (unless we do tile) we've been trying since August to get contractors to respond. We're giving it one more try before we decide to install tile (which we've picked out at Lowe's) - we don't want tile but if we can't get someone out to put in countertops that's what we'll resort to.

Here's a close-up of the side of the shelf. The seahorse sides were actually from another shelving unit I picked up for a few dollars but didn't know where to hang so we took it apart, cut part of it off and used it for this shelf.

I love all the texture in the sand at low tide
This makes me think of collapse weave
Hmm, wonder who lives down here - my guess is shrimp since I've seen a fisherman digging up shrimp for bait. Originally I thought clams but Mr. fisherman said nope, it's shrimp in this spot.

The lighthouse on a perfect sunny, blue sky kind of day..........although very cold with a good stiff breeze coming off the ocean.......I was bundled up.

Bailey was having a grand time
Life is good.........


  1. Oh what an adorable little piece of "gingerbread" for your kitchen! Looks great. Can't the place where you are purchasing the countertops supply an installer?
    And Bailey, handsome as ever. I really should bring Marigold over for a play date!

    1. Oh yes, where we are buying countertops should supply an installer - they can't get them to return calls either but we're trying one more time with the local home improvement center over there who is mortified they haven't been able to help us. We've been directly to cabinet/counter top installers - talked with them, they're to call to come measure, never do - this has happened over and over again. I talked to a few folks over there to find out this is a common problem with any kind of home improvement. Sure glad we can do all the other work in the house ourselves, including new flooring throughout once the kitchen is done.

  2. I love the shelf, especially the side detail. The beach looks so sunny, not what I'd expect in Oregon on the coast in winter!

    1. We've found it to be sunny quite often over on the southern coast in the winter. This past week it was sunny and clear every single day, frozen fog back here in the valley.

  3. Thanks for sharing the beach pictures. We were so close at New Years but not close enough. Your cabinets came out great. I can't believe I told you to take the time off and paint them later. They're perfect beach cottage cabinets. Well done!


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