
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rain !!!

As I was laying in bed contemplating getting up I started hearing the oh so rare drops of rain hitting the ground. This is usual for us in the summer and very welcome - by the time I got this picture taken and started writing this post it is letting up but that's 30 minutes of light rain - so much better than the dry lightning fire starting storms that have been coming through.

Many new fires started around the region the past couple of days from lightning strikes - one near a friend was thought to be under control at 100 acres but when the winds picked up yesterday afternoon it took off - this morning I heard on the news there are evacuations on order..........but exactly where? my friend? or at the other end of that road? The past few days fire reports are vague and spotty on the news, nothing much on the websites - maybe they're too busy getting on these new fires but sure would be nice to know what's happening. The Northern California fires just over the border are very scary, yesterday three firefighters didn't have time to get out of the way of the wall of flames and had to resort to using their fire shelters (a special blanket to cover with while laying on the ground as the fire passes by). They were lucky and made it through that experience.  Have I said yet today I hate fire season???

Today is the start of the county fair - I have to figure out a way to cover my wheel for the walk from the car to the building we're demo'ing in case it's still raining.  I'm only 15 minutes away but it's nice to know that Sam and Bailey will be holding down the fort at home in case of fire - I hate living under this threat all summer long......yeah, yeah.....whine and snivel - we could be dealing with the flash floods other areas of the country have been dealing with yesterday and today, very scary stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for rain! Even if it's not much, you're probably like us and thankful for every drop. We had rain just over a week ago. It rained on and off all weekend. Very rare, very weird but great! I just can't believe how badly Northern CA, OR, and WA have been hit by fire this year. It's horrible! And, like you, I find it frustrating that the news isn't giving much info. We've gotten so frustrated with our local news and we've found we get a bit more info from the world news report later in the evening. And, from online....blogs, FB, etc. Very often, FB is the only way I find out about stuff like that. Then, I go to search out more details. I hope the rain sticks around a while up there....with NO lightning. Enjoy your day and spinning! :-)


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