
Friday, August 22, 2014


I got the yarn I was spinning at the fair plyed, blocked, ready to use.  On the top is the cashmere/silk blend.....I didn't have much of this roving but I still got 223 yards out of it, not sure what it will grow up to be.  On the bottom is the superfine merino that my friend Kathy G had done the dyeing on when she came over to help me on a dye day. I love it. I got 483 yards in a fingering weight size.  This colorway is sold out in my etsy shop as of this week, not to be repeated but maybe I can get close to it on a future dye day.


  1. Love the colors in the merino. Looks like a nice mini shawl for fall.

  2. They're both beautiful!! Did you end up plying the cashmere/silk on itself, or did you use something else to ply with it??


    1. I ended up plying it on itself. I wasted some trying other fibers like silk, tencel and rayon, just didn't like they way they looked so ended up plying it on itself.

  3. Both are lovely. I know how I'd use the top skein but I have no idea how to use the bottom. I hope you'll post what it becomes.


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