
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pay it forward...........

Ok, so let's see how many of you out there I can get to try Fireball Cinnamon Whisky - straight, on the rocks.  Friend Teresa from over on the coast introduced me to this at the NWRSA conference last month. You all don't know me but I'm not a big drinker, I like a glass of wine here and there, I have some favorite after dinner liquors once in a while, but when it comes to straight alcohol I want it disguised in a fruity drink with salt, sugar or fruit on the lip of the glass and a pretty umbrella.

We went back to Teresa's room as she  had something for us to try (me and Pat) she pulled out the Fireball. I was skeptical but am up for anything......well, almost anything, I'm not eating jellyfish in a Chinese restaurant, been stung by too many over the years. I tried the Fireball and loved it. I immediately texted Sam knowing my cousin Jim was with him and would be traveling into CA, then back into OR to get home which means cheaper liquor store over the CA border.

Text from me - Tell Jim to pick me up 2 bottles of Fireball Cinnamon Whisky
Text from Sam - Really????
Text from me - Yes, really
Text from Sam - A fifth?
Text from me thinking a fifth is tiny - No a big bottle, 2 big bottles
Text From Sam - Ok, how much have you drunk to want 2 gallons of this stuff?

Since then I've enabled friend Kathy B up at the Complex Weavers Conference, she even tried it one night mixed with cranberry juice at the suggestion of the bar tender. We're thinking it might taste good in hot apple cider this fall. I told neighbor Carol about it, her husband Merle picked her up a bottle last week.  Now, who out there is willing to give this a try??? I did see it in those tiny little bottles at the checkout at the liquor store so you wouldn't have to invest in an entire bottle to give it a try. Lest you all think I'm a lush, not so......I might have a little glass of it once a week if that...... 

Blame it all on Teresa if you love it........


  1. We tried that a couple of years ago and added it to hot cider. My husband absolutely loves it and will drink it straight up too. I'm not a fan though. I like cinnamon as a spice in cooking but not in a drink or even in gum. It sure has become incredibly popular over the past few years. :-)

    1. Yes, I'm now finding out it's been popular for a bit.........I'm kind of behind the times when it comes to this kind of thing!


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