
Thursday, July 17, 2014

On a whim......

On a whim I entered the Webs 40th Anniversary Contest back in May. There were 4 categories that were to have 3 winners in each; First Place, Runner-Up and Honorable Mention. All weavings had to use at least 75% Webs Valley yarns in them - Webs is where I buy my tencel so my scarf used 100% of their yarn. I sent photographs of one of my Iranian Tilework scarves to Webs, it was judged in the accessories category and made it to the finals. Final judging took place last week but winners weren't announced until 7:30 east coast time tonight in the Webs booth at Convergence in Rhode Island. I received an email this evening with the list of the winners - My Scarf got Honorable Mention. There were actually 2 honorable mentions in that category so the judging must have been difficult. I won't get my scarf back until fall as it will be in an exhibit at Webs for National Spinning & Weaving week the first week of October. I'm hoping they post pictures of all the winners on their website because I'd love to see them. Oh, and a fun thing is that I get a gift certificate to Webs - hmm, maybe some black silk in my future........ 


  1. Congratulations!! Well deserved!

  2. Well done, congratulations. A fabulous accessory, love the colour and the tile pattern.

  3. Congratulations! Your whim turned into a win!

  4. It's a beautiful scarf. I hope WEBS will post all the winners too; it would be fun to see what beat you.

  5. Congratulations Cindie! The scarf is amazing and the colours are stunning, I'll keep checking their website for photos.

  6. Congratulations! I cannot think of higher praise. The scarf is beautiful and I'm glad they thought so too.

  7. Huzzah Cindie! Wonderful scarf and a much deserved win!


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