
Monday, June 9, 2014

Love it........

When I went downstairs to the studio to start weaving on the scarf warp I thought "let me audition some other weft colors" I just wasn't sold on what I had sampled so far. I decided to pull out a rust color - in this pic it looks pretty orange but it's a beautiful rust. I realize this color combination isn't for everyone but I love it.......and I'm not weaving it for anyone else, I'm weaving it for me.

I like this draft I found on and would love to tie a painted warp I dyed last fall onto this warp but if you remember back to my post a couple days ago about warping from the dyed knitted blank it you'll understand why I'll pass on tying on - just can't deal with the corkscrew kinks of the warp once it's not under tension.

I don't think I talked about my colors during the dyeing process. I started with purple dye in one cup, then gold dye in another cup and set 5 more cups in-between and started blending varying percentages of the purple & gold dye to get the shades in-between the two. In hindsight I wish I had toned down the purple a tiny bit with a little gold but I'm still happy with it.


  1. What's the pattern called or what number is it? I've just glanced at, but haven't figured out how it's organized. I could just browse thru it, but that might take a very long time without ever finding it :-). BTW, I think of you whenever I see my tiny inkling on the shelf!

    1. Kathy the pattern is called Undulating Twill with Straight Twill Treadling - #61537

      I browse on that site too - I go to the search feature and try to narrow down my search by number of harnesses and type of weave structure but there's so much there

  2. Beautiful color combo in my humble opinion. :) The link to this page was on my main Pinterest wall. Such a small world.

  3. Hi Cindie! Thank you for sharing the info on this draft. I saw it and knew I wanted to weave it! I am in the Shasta Valley and we have been seriously impacted by smoke for the last two months as well. So glad for all the rain--hopefully all this is over for this year. A friend and I are coming to Fibermania in November looking forward to it! Thanks again...

  4. Beautiful! I just got the draft. I'm new to a lot of this and have just gone from a RH to an 8 shaft table loom. Do I have to use Tabby with this draft? I see some long floats. I know I do with Overshot but not sure of some of the twills.

    1. No tabby but be sure to put on floating selvedges.

  5. Thank you Cindie! I have been reading and can't seem to find info about using tabby other than with Overshot.

    1. There are other weave structures that require tabby, you'll eventually come across them the more you weave.


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