
Friday, June 6, 2014


 At conference last weekend friend Loyce was teaching a class in discharge dyeing. She surprised me with these samples she made in the class featuring gingko leaves - my favorite leaf. Aren't they fun?  I'm not sure what I'll end up using these fabric pieces for but I do know I'll be embellishing them with gingko embroidery and gingko stamping......maybe some fun little change purses.....who knows.....will ponder on them for a while.

Loyce also walked into our spinning circle one evening with two branches of gingkos she ripped gently removed from trees on the Willamette Campus. When I got home Sunday I removed all the leaves from the branches and they're drying in-between the pages in two phone books - thank goodness we still have phone books in this day of everything going electronic.

Life has been more than busy since I got back home Sunday - have been running around and not getting a single thing done at home. Today I'm hoping to get a warp on the loom..........after I move all the piles of 'stuff' between me and the loom.....we'll see if I actually make it there.........

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