
Thursday, June 12, 2014

A nice haul......

Today I met up with Theresa, we haven't seen each other in too long and we don't live that far apart...........well, me on the west side, her on the east side - 1 1/2+ hours apart. We went to the Middleford Yarn closing sale, much has already been sold but we still found some treasures. Very sad that a local yarn shop is closing but I did find out that someone connected with it may be opening a shop in September.  After shopping we visited while lunching. Thank goodness I was able to ignore the sidewalk sale at the Bernina shop - I haven't sewn any of the fabric I bought from my last 3 stops there.
At the yarn shop I got another Papaya tote bag - I love my Lotus one, with the big heavy grommets I can load it up with books, magazines and knitting for coast trips, it's a workhorse tote I got another one at 40% off - the Namaste bag. I found a cute Noni knitted felted tote bag pattern and got some Cascade yarn for that project. And two fun shawlette patterns with some yarn for those although I think the blue one I may end up using the handspun I'm spinning right now. Then I spotted the antique quilt block squares - I got 4 of them to make pillows for the beach cottage.
A very fun day..........


  1. It is a nice haul! Boy, it is getting hard to find anything fibery in the valley though, with Llammas and Llambs going out a few years ago.

  2. Oh how I wish I could have been with you two on your wander and lunch date. Looks like you found some lovely yarns.

  3. Is "Noni" the name of a brand of pattern? It reminds me of Nani's knitting sock-slippers she used to give everyone.

    1. Yes, Noni is the name of the brand of pattern - and what fun patterns there are covered in felted flowers and do-dads.

      Our Nani's slippers were crocheted - she never learned how to knit. Jim recently gave me a pink pair he found in Fran's things, still hooked together, never been worn........I can't bring myself to start wearing them as I don't want to wear them out - maybe I should hang them up as décor.........

  4. That is a nice haul! Beautiful colors! Sounds like a fun time too! :-)


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