
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let's try again.......

Here's a box of discount coupons for my etsy shops along with a roving sample all to go in the NWRSA (spinning) conference goodie bags.  I gave discount coupons to be put in the bags a couple years ago and didn't get one sale from it - don't know if they were just tossed or what, those didn't have a sample in them.  I'm hoping it works this year - luckily I've got very little money or time into preparing them.  I sell tons of roving through and out of my etsy shop - other discount coupons get used - not sure why the coupons 2 years ago weren't effective. I think it's worth trying again..........need to get these in the mail soon. 
Not much else happening here - I did get 12 towels hemmed and up in the etsy shop for sale, also took time for some photography work to get another 5 scarves listed for sale.  Saturday was my guild presentation on name drafting - I think it went over well.  Everyone (except for one tapestry weaver) was busy at work designing their name drafts and I've heard from several since Saturday that are already planning projects and one actually got her loom warped already.  I always figure if at least one guild member goes home and does something t's a success - it's so exciting seeing how many got inspired by the program. I think everyone always enjoys a hands-on program rather than always a lecture. I'm hoping to get back to the scarf warp hanging out on the AVL tomorrow and possibly get a white chenille shawl warp on the Macomber for wedding season. But not today - today is my twice monthly spinning get together - always fun to hang out with my fiber peeps.
I feel like I'm teasing my blog readers with talk of a discount coupon so I've just gone and created one just for you  - use this coupon code  BLOG2014 at the time of check-out in either of my etsy shops and you'll get 10% off - this coupon is good thru the end of the year. My shop with handwovens, felted items and embroidered towels is HERE - my fiber/roving shop is HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. I made up little sample bags from my sheep (partial batts) with my business card that I handed out to everyone I ran into at the SOAR that I went to a few years back. Didn't get any inquiries out of them (handed out over 100 of them!), but I had fun so I guess it was worth the effort.


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