
Monday, April 7, 2014

It all comes out in the wash.........

Yesterday afternoon I got a couple hours at the loom, got the towel warp tied on and some towels woven. This is an overshot pattern, Royal Crown, one repeat of the pattern in the center and then a small border on either side. On the other end of the towel I put one row of the small border. I used a black pattern weft for the beginning towels - I think they'll look great in a gray kitchen especially those with stainless appliances. I won't be using black on all of them, maybe blue on a couple, maybe purple or red.  For the non-weavers out there what I mean by it all comes out in the wash is that handwovens aren't finished until they're washed - once these towels are washed they'll shrink and the pattern will show up even more, not to mention that washing gets rid of all the spinning oils from the commercial spinning process.


  1. Striking colour placement. Will look great in any kitchen.

  2. I love those! They *almost* make me willing to try overshot :) It's astounding how much they'll shrink in the finishing - about 20%.


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