
Friday, April 18, 2014

Finally weaving........

Finally weaving today in-between other household chores and running orders to the post office - I ignored the phone when it rang which felt great - no one left a message so my only assumption is that it was telemarketers. I was even in one place long enough to listen to a book on CD.
I'm back to that tencel warp I put on the AVL a couple weeks ago but had only gotten as far as to audition wefts.  Here's the first scarf - I love this color combination.

And here is the second scarf. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that this design is based on Iranian tilework - I pulled the country of Iran in our guild challenge so I'm to create something inspired by Iran. This is the resulting warp. And I think this color combination is the one that will best represent the country.  I still have 2 more scarves to weave, I thought I had picked out weft colors but have since changed my mind.......will get back to that warp next week.


  1. Oh, lovely pattern! I bet you are using all of those wonderful shafts too to do it! Great warp color although I am partial to the red myself. :) Have fun!

    1. I'm using 23 of my 40 harnesses. Very fun - eventually I'll do more designing in other weave structures but I love twills so much for the drape that I keep going back to them.

  2. What a beautiful design. The vibrant colors make the pattern jump right off the fabric.

  3. I've just discovered your blog and love it! The colours in the latest weaving really pop. Lovely work.

  4. As you know, I have tried the teal and magenta combo and its a stunner when done! Love the pattern work!


  5. I'm so intrigued. I have a 10 shaft Glimakra counter march & was wondering if I could use pick up to do this pattern. I've been watching videos on Iran & this pattern just captured my imagination, especially of Yazd, the home of Zoroastrianism.

    1. Pickup would be very time consuming but I'm sure doable. I was looking through the Carol Strickler book of 8 Shaft Patterns (by Interweave Press) and saw a draft that looked very similar to this one I designed so you might take a look through that book.

  6. I received a comment asking me to develop this pattern into no more than 16 harnesses. I would have posted the comment but it has an email address in it so I won't do that. So Sid, I'm sorry but I can't do that - I don't have the time to spend on figuring that out and I won't give out this draft as it's an original one. Thank you so much for your compliments.


I love your comments - thank you!