
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A bit of this and that..........

I spent some time weaving and finishing up weaving recently. First are the tencel scarves based on Iranian Tilework. I had the hardest time capturing the color and sheen in photos - did my best - which is not always very good........actually sometimes pretty bad..........

Teal with Red/Purple - love the iridescence in this color combo
Teal with Navy - when weaving I thought this might be boring - I love the color combo, love, love, love it
Teal with Seafoam - love this one too - much more subtle
Teal with Ruby - this is the one I originally wove to fit in with the theme of Iran for my guild challenge for the year - these colors make me think of the middle east - the photo doesn't do it justice - it's lovely.

I had woven these merino/tussah silk scarves a early last month, finally got them washed and fringes twisted.

These were both woven with my handspun, warp and weft - I wove 2 of the second one but now wished I had woven 2 of the first design as I like it better.
Next up are the white chenille shawls - they just came off the loom yesterday awaiting washing and fringe twisting. I picture these as wedding shawls........sure hope someone else does and buys them. I put on enough warp for 3 shawls in white rayon chenille, of course I didn't have enough of the white chenille left for weft - above I used a 6 ply rayon for weft - it should turn out lovely after washing.

Here I used a slubby/nubby rayon/cotton yarn for weft - it looks like tiny fresh water pearls all over the shawl - it's really pretty.

This shawl I used a ecru/natural weft - this will look lovely with those off white wedding gowns. Of course these aren't limited to wedding shawls - was just the thought behind doing them in white - they'd be nice anytime to keep the chill off the shoulders.
All of these will eventually end up in my etsy shop........once completely finished and photographed.
My heart goes out to all those affected by the tornadoes and floods this week - so very scary.


  1. That teal and red is a real stunner!

  2. They're all gorgeous! You're very talented.

    I wanted to thank you for your inkle advice. There's no email connected to your comment. So, I thought it would be ok to tell you here. I wouldn't want you to think I didn't appreciate it. I really do. It was helpful. I also found a video that showed what you said about the little loop on the side. It made all the difference to do it that way. Thanks! I think I'm getting it! Yay! :-D

    1. I can't wait to see your inkle band on your blog soon!


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