
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New roving, concert and curling......

I have more new roving available in my etsy shop. Above is a new line, possibly not a permanent line so it's 'get it while it's here' 80% Merino/20% Tussah Silk. It's beautiful roving......and my spinning group today shopped 'til they dropped snatching up some of these colorways and the roving below.

The top 3 colors here are also limited colorways in 100% Merino.  The bottom is a Black Tussah Silk roving - and it is really black - I've set some aside to use for my own blending.........I set some of many of these latest colorways aside for myself......they're that good.

Last night we went to a community concert, we have season tickets each season, this was #5 out of 6 shows for this season. Pavlo was the group - a Greek/Mediterranean style of music - absolutely fabulous - loved the passion.

I'm having curling withdrawals so I had Sam do a search on the satellite for curling........well, I could be watching curling all the time during the season if I were only to pay an additional $11 a month for a particular sports package. We already pay more than we should for satellite TV - as much as I'd love to watch more curling I cannot bring myself to pay another $132 a year..........very sad but it's just not worth that much to me.......we're trying to cut expenses with Sam's retirement (or semi-retirement at this point) not increase them.

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