
Saturday, March 8, 2014

New felting kits

Color Fusion Felting/Spinning Kit

Don't ask me where the week has gone and what I've accomplished - time flies these days and I don't like it. I'm getting very sad over not having enough hours in my day to do the things I want to do. It's win-lose situation - selling lots of roving is a win as it's income, selling lots of roving is a lose as I have to spend a lot of time dealing with roving, packing/mailing orders which takes away from weaving time not to mention sewing/crafting/reading time. I have nothing much to show for the week other than going to my spinning group (great day of visiting and spinning), working on my April guild program handout some more (ready to print), lunching and walking around downtown with a friend, and yesterday putting together a new felting/spinning kit using the new Color Fusion Superfine Merino from Ashland Bay (in-between doing massive amounts of laundry). I can't say enough how much I love this roving - it's beautiful to spin.  I haven't tried nuno felting with it yet but being a superfine merino it's got to nuno felt even more beautifully than the regular merino.

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