
Sunday, March 30, 2014


If you get the opportunity to take a cardweaving workshop from John Mullarkey I highly recommend it. Not only is he extremely knowledgeable, well organized, easy to understand, has a calm go with the flow personality but he's funny too. I learned so much this past two days and now I know that cardweaving will become a regular part of my weaving repertoire. Not that I haven't done any cardweaving over the years, I love the look but I hated the idea of  being tethered to table/post, using up a loom for cards or using C-clamps on a table - it should be portable but not cumbersome. Well, enter this cute little cardweaving loom that John designed - I love it. If I need to weave really long bands I can use my floor inkle loom but I can see myself using this cute little loom quite often, even while riding in the car.

I forgot to bring my camera yesterday so no pic of the warping for the band above - there was lots of playing taking off from the original design.

Here is the loom after warping for today's weaving - different style of warping than we did for yesterday - nice to learn two techniques - yes, that's my yummy cookie snack to keep me fortified for the workshop......there were lots of snacks all weekend.....lots......

Today's weaving were Egyptian diagonals - very fun (that little block was not a part of this class but John demo'd it on my loom - I'll be trying this out in the not too distant future)

More of the diagonals - this one a snowflake pattern
I don't remember the name of this pattern but I love it - it's included in a book John sells on Egyptian diagonals..... is this pattern.  Very fun workshop - learned so much and am now enthused over cardweaving


  1. Yes! I really enjoyed the workshop too, and got a whole new perspective on cardweaving. It was also fun having John stay with us over the weekend--he is such a nice man.
    (I kept getting muddled up on the diagonals though, and ending up with a bit of a mess--too much chatting and having fun--I think I need to concentrate a bit more!)
    That really is a sweet little loom though!

  2. Wow, your band is coming out very nicely. John is really inspiring. He had wonderful samples to share too.

  3. Love the weaving! I have the DVDs that John has done for Interweave and can't wait to get started!


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