
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Life gets in the way............

Off doing other things recently....trip to the issues.......administrivia.......everyone wanting a piece of me.......all keeping me from the loom but am hoping to sneak a little time in finishing up the scarf warp today. I have piles of weaving waiting for photography work - can't sell it if it's not out there.....where do I find the hours??? Another huge order will be coming in from Ashland Bay Fibers any day now with many new colorways that will need photographing - am hoping Sam will do all the weighing, bagging, putting into inventory for me. Weaving is what keeps me going, centers me, and this past year I wove less than any other year since 1986.....I'm determined it will be different in 2014 but here I am, almost 2 months into the year, and I haven't woven near what I wanted to.

So with that said, I did get a little time on that scarf warp I had started weaving last week. Here's the second scarf crossed with a black tencel weft.

And here it is crossed with a burgundy tencel weft. Amazing how different that painted warp can look with 3 different wefts.

On another note - has anyone else out there enjoyed watching the Olympic curling as much as I have? I am so thrilled that it's being talked about more and more, maybe one day here in the states we'll see curling matches on tv not connected with the Olympics.  Between coverage being shown on 5 different networks on Dish Network (satellite) I have been able to watch 3-4 curling matches a day.........well, I haven't watched them all, many are still sitting on the dvr waiting for me to watch them. I'll be cheering for the Canadian women's team in the medal games - they are so good, I like the Brits too. Not sure who I'll be cheering for in the men's - I like Canada but also Sweden and the Brits are very good..............I was so dismayed when the 'Pants' of Norway lost in the 10th end so won't advance to the medal round - I would have cheered for them just because of those pants and that hot Thomas Ulsrud........yes, I called him hot.  And then there's Sebastian Kraupp of the Swedish team......

Parting shots of Bailey relaxing over on the coast during some great rain/wind storms we had.  He loves that couch, and those crazy pillows made from bathroom rugs.......

.....and he loves sleeping with his buddy Buster in his mouth.....why doesn't he get a cramp in his jaw???
.......rawhide chewie and 3 babies make for a wonderful afternoon...........


  1. Bailey, you look so comfy with your rawhide chewy and toys - we all need to take a lesson from you.

  2. Wonderful photos of Bailey! (oh, yes, and the scarves too)


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