
Friday, January 24, 2014

Clear skies

Clear skies seen from the deck this morning - whoo hoo. We have been stuck in freezing fog for around 2 months. Yesterday afternoon the skies cleared and the sun came this comes with a red sky warning for fire danger - the winds are what cleared the fog out will also spread fires and in this area all winter long folks have burn piles going. Fire danger in the winter in Oregon??? Unheard of but we're coming off a drought year, lowest rainfall on record, and have started 2014 the same. We're all hoping for rains this winter and spring or it will be a scarier fire season than last year not to mention folks having trouble with wells. But for today I'm rejoicing at being able to see Mt Sexton.

Interesting entertainment tidbits the past week........I attended two movies at the theatre, I usually average a movie every 1 or 2 years so this is a major thing. First movie was Saving Mr. Banks - I loved it. It reminded me that at the age of 9 my birthday party was taking my little gal pals to see Mary Poppins, now I know the story behind it. I definitely need to watch Mary Poppins again. Movie yesterday was August: Osage County.....incredibly done, tremendous acting, but what a downer, not my kind of movie. 

Keeping with the entertainment theme we went to the community concert Wednesday evening, we were entertained by The Diamonds singing 50's-60's music, very fun, we really enjoyed them. I got tickled at one point when some Bobby Darin songs were sung- it reminded me of a campy lounge act at the Ramada Inn in Rockville, MD back in the mid-70's......some of us used to hang out there after late nights at work while in college.

And now on to curling - who of my friends and family would have believed that I'd be on the cutting edge of curling becoming more mainstream in the US. I read it about it everywhere these days and now there's a curling club a 2 hour drive from us. This past week I found out from a friend via an article in the Wall Street Journal that there is a 2014 calendar called Men of Curling. I'm not the type to be interested in buying a beefcake calendar but I might just have to for the entertainment factor I'll get seeing the faces of my husband and cousin.......and the net proceeds go to charity.

I've gotten very little time at the loom but did spend some time this week weaving on the name draft warp which is now cut off the loom. I'm hoping to get another name draft warp on the loom today, one more to go after it for the guild program. I need to spend time working on my handout and WOW factor - there always has to be a WOW factor with a guild program but that won't be divulged until after the program in April as some guild members read my blog.

On another note - still having issues with blogger loading my photos. I seem to be able to get around it moving to a different computer and then it takes several trys. Have not found a solution and no responses in the forums other than the one a while back about blogger not supporting the newest version of IE. I've followed suggestions to clear cache and cookies. This issue is getting old. (just checked community forums again and many others are having the problem, no solution....wonder why not everyone is having a problem)


  1. 2 months of fog???? That sounds more like London than southern Oregon. Yesterday I read a blog post by our local weather guru about the early start of your fire season. I was going to send it to you, but I didn't want to depress you. Since you mentioned it, tho, here's the link:

    Maybe you can delegate the photo problem to your new employee.

    1. ....and the fog is back this morning! and it's dry, am thinking moving to a cinderblock house with a metal roof in the middle of a huge irrigated field is the way to go because of fire season!


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