
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Weekend on the coast.........

After Thanksgiving day with family we headed on over the mountain range to the coast to get out of the freezing fog we've been having here at home. It was beautiful over there, mild temps, sunny, blue sky, what a great weekend.

Here's a seagull eating his holiday meal, a dungeness crab, some ducks riding the waves in along the river inlet.

I was hearing quite a bit of noise out there on the rocks but couldn't really see the sea lions, I pushed the button on my little camera to get a close-up and here are the culprits, noisy bunch they were.

Here's another picture of them, they were certainly enjoying sunning themselves out on those rocks.

And a parting shot looking down the ocean beach......we didn't find as many treasures on our walks as normal but did find some good seaglass and a sand dollar.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the perfect holiday weekend Cindie! Beautiful pics too. Thank for sharing some of the sights on the OR coast!


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