
Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's downright balmy out..........

It's downright balmy right now - it's 20 degrees........that's up from the 7.5 it was when I got up this morning. I looked over at the thermometer this morning and it looked like it said 75 - I immediately figured it had gone wack-a-do until I went to look at it closer and saw the decimal point in-between the 7 and the 5. Yeppers, it was cold.....but now it's warmed up to a balmy 20. It's supposed to possibly be 33 tomorrow and warm up more later in the week to more normal temps.

Sam hates the cold but he decided to try and shovel out his tire tracks from Friday night. He got the top layer of light snow off, the rest is a couple inches of ice. He needs to get out to work tomorrow......and he will kindly go in a bit later so he can mail all my orders and our gifts heading east. He'll be able to make it in his 4wd truck (we think) I won't be going anywhere. Once he gest down the driveway safely he has to navigate our curvy road to get out to a bigger road. See that ravine on the left hand side? Well it's steep and a long drop down....and the driveway is very narrow and length 1/3 mile but he only shovels half of it, our asphalt section - the remaining half is gravel under the snow.

Bailey's doing a good job of supervising, he supervised the entire length of the driveway.

And here he is again making sure Sam does a good job.  We've heard that some roads, in town, are clear, but many roads including sections of I5 are all still ice/snow covered. Should prove to be an interesting morning commute......for some.......but not me who will be staying in working on finishing up holiday cards and wrapping gifts so I can move back to working on my business stuff......lots of roving to weigh out, felting kits to put together, not to mention weaving to be done........

1 comment:

  1. Brrrr. Cold here on the coast too but thankfully only a light coating of snow. Stay warm and safe!


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