
Sunday, December 15, 2013

I got out yesterday to the weaving guild meeting....Sam driving.....nice time, yummy food for the potluck, gift exchange and bidding on auction items to benefit our scholarship fund. From the auction I ended up with a John Marshall sheer overtop (whoo hoo) and some of the yummiest lighter than air cookies. In the gift exchange I received some fun sheep socks and a woven Guatemalan band that is begging to be used as a tote handle.....which means I'll have to weave up some fabric for it in the future.

Today Sam kindly said yes to trying to scrape the ice off the bad spots on the driveway so I can get out tomorrow. The entire drive would still be packed snow had he not shoveled a layer off last weekend. Bailey supervised - he was out of the picture frame rolling in the snow.......I braved the cold out on the deck to get the picture and then went back inside to warm by the fire.

I decided to make some marshmallow pops today......lollipop sticks in marshmallows dipped in chocolate and then graham cracker crumbs.........

........smores on a stick - yum.......
.........then I found some fun holiday sprinkles that I mixed all together........

.....dipped marshmallows in almond bark and rolled them in the sprinkles........

......all packaged up ready to give away.....looks like they'd be great goodies for kids......they're all going to my spinning group......big kids......

.....and before I could pull out the White Christmas DVD what do I find on TV just starting but that very movie - my favorite holiday movie of all time....the holidays aren't the same if I don't watch it which is why Sam put a copy in my Christmas stocking a number of years ago, no panic time trying to find it on TV.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Marshmallow treats! I may have to steal your idea.


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