
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A different view

Nothing much happening here except finishing up wrapping gifts, one gift still left to knit, sox for Sam........But I thought I'd give another view of the snow....the never ending snow and ice on the ground that is keeping me property bound (not a bad thing) as our long drive and road are still treacherous even with 4WD. Balmy 14 when I woke up this morning so this is an improvement over the past 2 days....we're supposed to hit 32 today, above freezing tomorrow.

I took the camera on our walk around the property this morning. I tried to catch what looks like thousands of tiny diamonds glistening on the snow....moguls in this case. Hard to catch those sparkles and I don't have enough photography knowledge to know how to do better.

Deer prints in the snow, we also saw turkey, bobcat and jackrabbit in addition to thousands of Bailey's footprints.

We walked up to the top of our property - this is looking south, at the edge of the snow it goes down into a ravine and back up to that hill opposite us.

This is the view coming back down the hill looking north at Mount Sexton. At this point the turkeys were complaining bitterly as they were high up in the trees above us. I'm really thinking they don't like getting their tootsies cold as they usually come down as soon as dawn breaks, this was 11am.

I still have a couple huge boxes, I mean huge, filled with roving that needs to be weighed into bags, labeled and put into inventory, colors sold out listed back in the etsy shop. I had thoughts of taking care of this today but sitting in front of the fire watching White Christmas while knitting on Sam's sox sound much better - I think I deserve the day off......been working too hard and too many hours lately........

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