
Sunday, December 29, 2013

A bit of spinning........

The past few evenings I've done a bit of spinning. Last night I plied this 515 yards of Karaoke which is a 50/50 merino/soy silk blend. I bought the roving a number of years ago from Janis Thompson of Dyelots up in Eugene, Oregon.  It has a beautiful sheen and I love the colors but the soy silk is not so much fun to spin. Not sure what it will become yet........will have to think on all my handspun it has to sit and age on the shelf for a while........


  1. Well, that is a lovely yarn now. Those colors are some of my favorites. Just which shelf will it be aging on you say? ;)
    Happy New Year to you and Sam and Bailey!

    1. That big shelf full of all the other handspun!!!! It will eventually make it into the perfect project.


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