
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Photography Challenge - X is for.........

This weeks alphabet photography challenge letter is 'X'. I had many ideas but short on time I only took a photo of one of them. X's on the calendar - these are very important X's - they are marking down the days until Sam retires at the end of the year - whoo hoo. He will still work a week a month thru April to help with the company transition but officially he is retired on December 31st. But no fear, he will have plenty to keep himself busy with clearing of brush and dead trees on our 5 acres amongst a multitude of other projects. And he promises he will take over shipping, receiving and inventory control of the fiber side of my business - whoo hoo big time. This will give me back much needed time at the loom and to work on other fiber arts & crafts I've been missing this past 6 months as the fiber side of the business takes more and more of my time.


  1. Hooray! I'm so glad he is finally retiring. Don't work him too hard ; >

    Hey, you can re-use this photo for X.

    1. Claudia you were the only one that noticed I accidently use W in the title and first line when posting my X picture - it's fixed now - thanks!


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