
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Crossing things off the to-do list......

I'm working on crossing things off my very long to-do list - the problem is that it never seems to get any shorter.....and some things seem to stay on it for years......but I'll get some gratification marking many items off the list in the next month as they're timely and need to be done......those others will probably be there this time next year.

Last week I started some socks for Sam - I've never knit him any brown ones. For the past several years I've put a pair of handknit socks in his Christmas stocking, sometimes still on the needles but they're there - hopefully these will be finished by that time and in the stocking minus the needles. He's usually too busy to read my blog so I'm not worried about posting this.

The knitting above is for some small gift items - can't tell what they are - sorry. One of my followers can probably figure out what I'm knitting as she knit and posted them on her blog a while back. I did get some other knitting and then felting of the knitted items done this past weekend so progress is being made.

And then on the sewing front I've been making progress - yep, can't show the finished sewn items but I used all of these fabrics up yesterday and today - whoo hoo. They are some beautiful fabrics that I bought at Top Stitch, my local (well, as in 45 miles away) Bernina shop. Aren't the chickadees cute?

Love the Chinese umbrellas too, and the orange in both of these fabrics.....

......and the cute teapots and dogwood flowers.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some beading done, or at least pick out the beads for a project, and maybe make hangtags for all items knit and sewn. I'm trying to stay home as much as possible this week so I can stop feeling quite so panicky about the holidays coming.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all of your progress. My list never gets shorter either. And, lately, I can't seem to get much done to cross off things. Haven't even had time to blog. Hoping to change that soon. Have fun with all your projects. It looks like you're doing great! How exciting! :-)


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