
Friday, October 18, 2013

Hand Woven Scarves for sale........

Finally did some photography work for the etsy shop - I needed 4-5 shots for each scarf listing, took many more than that to get 4-5 decent ones.  Here are the latest listings in the etsy shop - an off-white merino/seacell scarf, a painted warp ginkgo scarf in autumn colors, a sage/rust gingko scarf and a teal/fuschia dragonfly scarf - the last 3 scarves are all tencel.  More scarves to take photos of in the near future........

Still treading water here, gulping for air at times. I have been able to cross a few things off the long to-do list. Huge Ashland Bay order placed for roving for my other etsy shop - I will be spending several days weighing, bagging, labeling, putting into inventory and updating the shop when it comes in. I placed a bigger than normal order as to take advantage of the prices before they increase in the next month.

Many scarves, 9 to be exact, left the studio this week for new homes - I know 7 of them are destined to become holiday gifts - I hope the recipients love them.  I really need to get back to weaving - life keeps interfering........sometimes for fun stuff, sometimes for administrivia. I've got more holiday gifts to knit and other requiring assembly of handwoven/handmade parts, holiday gift sewing to do...... perhaps some work on those will start happening later today.


  1. Beautiful -- I especially like the ginko scarf in the lower left. I don't think I could carry off the colors, but it will look gorgeous on someone.

  2. I always love your scarves. You have been uber productive, don't kid yourself!


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