
Monday, October 14, 2013

Frost on the Pumpkin

This photo is from the Butte Creek Mill steps - love seeing the date in the stone, pumpkin and cornstalks. Fall has really arrived, we've had frost on the pumpkins......well, not my tiny ones on the front porch as they're under the roof......temps around freezing overnight, then up to around 70 during the day - my favorite time of year weather wise.

Is anyone else getting a little panicky over the holidays approaching so quickly? I have no ideas for gifts for Christmas and a few birthdays....well, guess that's not totally true, a few ideas for small gifts I've been working on......but for the most part I'm clueless.

Sales have been good lately, in fact on the very long to-do list for this week is to work on photography - scarves need pix taken of them so they can be listed in the etsy shop.  I've got a special order for embroidered towels to get done this week, need to place a huge Ashland Bay order as I'm out of some colors, low on others, want to work on putting together pictures for a Snapfish book but not sure that will happen as there's a deadline if I'm to get a deal they're offering right now.....deadline of Thursday - yikes! But no work today or tomorrow other than boxing up and printing postage for orders as my brother is still visiting from the east coast.

I'm still waiting for life to slow down.....does it ever happen???  We're working toward it, hopefully with changes at the end of the year things will slow down a bit.

Still having blogger issues with not being able to update/edit any gadgets in the right hand column of the blog. Been on the community forums where there are lots of angry comments from bloggers about this issue - sure hope it's fixed soon.


  1. Panic about the holidays, not yet, that comes after the parental invasion. Remember, there is always time to panic! ;) I know what I want, I know what I'm getting Gene, the folks are always difficult and when doing gifts for extended family and friends I just get what I would love to get. Seems to work.
    Now if I was thinking of making stuff, then I would be panicking

    Frost on everything here this morning. No pumpkins yet, those are slatted for procurement this week!

  2. I think slowing down is over-rated in theory and not as cool as I had thought in practice. Enjoy this week and all that's in it and find a couple moments to savor. I'm done with slowing down. I don't think you would like it either.


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