
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Photography Challenge - 'P' is for.........

It's that time of the week again for the photography challenge. I have a lot of P' forgive me next week when I don't have many Q's.

Shirley's Pincushion on her lace pillow - love all those glass headed pins


Peaches & Plums

Poison Oak - easy to see this time of year when it turns red

Pomegranate Juice - ok what do I do with this bottle of juice now that I bought it???

Sleeping Porcupine

Kathy's Purple Pansy drop spindle at spinning yesterday

Pat's Pocket Wheel with Purple wool batts she's spinning (yes the wool is really purple)

Pumpkin Streusel Cake I brought to spinning yesterday. Here's the link to the recipe

Pet Bailey (yup, he got in the photography challenge again) - we went to  Bandon this past weekend for the
Cranberry Festival. Bailey was waiting for the Parade to start. I've got a number of Parade Pix

Another Pet waiting for the Parade to start

And another Pet waiting for the Parade to start-
 there was a sister to this one but she was off laying several feet away and I could never get a good picture of her.

What's this - a Pet in the Parade!!! (in the passenger seat)

Another Pet in the Parade

And yes, that's another Pet in the Parade (passenger seat)
 this one is a golden and was staring straight at Bailey - they recognize their own

And these Pets in the Parade always fascinate Bailey - he loves the horses

And this Pet Pony in the Parade wanted to visit Bailey (see Bailey's nose in the lower left hand corner of the photo? It's too bad the owner guided this mini back into the center of the street because I think she and Bailey wanted to visit for a while
Oh yes, there were tons of floats, bands, school groups, and many more in the parade but pets on parade were the only ones I was interested in.


  1. I Particularly like the Picture of the Pet on Parade Perching Proudly on the Passenger side Panel of a Pea green Pickup.


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