
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Photography Challenge - O is for.......

Here we are again, another week, another letter - this week is 'O'.  Many thanks to Benita for coming up with this challenge.


Onion - Walla Walla to be exact


Orchid - this is the biggest one in my kitchen window and the weight of it toppled it the other day
Need to get a bigger pot, orchid mix and repot's being held up by a cast iron pot right now.

Oak Tree - this is our only beautiful oak tree, the others are all scrub oaks that are pretty ugly


Oregon Islands - this is the sign for them at Coquille Point in Bandon
What, you can't see the islands???  they're right behind the sign - hah! 

Ocean in Bandon, Oregon - and look some Oregon Islands!


Odin who has cancer but doesn't know it, he's pretty clueless as far as his illness goes........around 2 years ago he had a leg amputated due to the cancer, he's been undergoing chemo off and on since and he's still going strong - "sick, who me???"  I confess - I didn't take this photo, friend and Odin's Mom Patricia took it and sent it to me......Odin had been getting a little fed up with seeing Bailey's photo all the time......look for Odin's brother coming soon............
In other news - the smoke is horrendous today, hanging low at the house. In addition to burn-outs being conducted on the interior of the Big Windy Fire there is a spot fire outside the fire line in a steep canyon - it's being fought with copters and an air tanker. I sure hope they get it under control and we aren't in for round 2 with that fire. The fall rains can't come soon enough.


  1. I didn't know there were Oregon Islands!

    I can't wait until you get to "Q".

  2. Love all the O food and the Oregon pictures. Poor Oden! :(


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