
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

more petal pouches

A couple weeks ago I made some more petal pouches, I showed one here I made for is a trio of ones I nested inside of each other when I gifted them today to a dear friend. I think she loved them. I have more to make in some fun fabrics in the next month or so........but first I need to finish the quilt top and backing so I can get them to a long arm quilter.  I'm hoping to stay home all day tomorrow to work on the quilt - I'm getting to the point where I 'need' for it to be done so I can move on to other things.

We spent the past 3 days on the coast - weather was lovely, one day of fog, other two days of sunny, blue sky, 70 degrees. We pretty much did nothing other than walk and I spun up samples of the wool dyed last week.

The fire camp city close to us broke down today, the fire was turned back over to ODF (Oregon Department of Forestry) to maintain until out. As I was driving home from my spinning group today I encountered many vehicles pulling out from the fire camp, many large shower trailers, laundry services, and trailers filled with who knows what. The mini city has moved on.........


  1. The pouches are really cute! Would they make good knitting project bags?

    1. The largest of the pouches might be able to hold sock knitting. I've been thinking about making myself a larger one just for a knitting project, maybe up to a scarf size.

  2. The petal pouches are cute!

    Sounds like a nice weekend at the coast! So happy to hear the fire is under control! Yay!


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