
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More handspun.......

The other evening I plied this handspun, got it washed and blocked yesterday. It's from Ashland Bay roving - Merino in the Baltic colorway,....I thought it would look nice as a shawl with jeans.  Small glitch - I only have 801 yards and the shawl I was thinking of knitting takes more than that. I could always spin more after I place my next Ashland Bay order as I'm out of this color right now.......or I could look at other shawl patterns which is probably what I'll do. But first I'm working on some small holiday gifts that I won't be able to show until after the holidays.
This is looking out the window behind me as I sit at the computer - what looks like a fog bank is really smoke, it un-nerves me seeing it but I'm assuming the burn-outs on the Big Windy Fire are under control and it's nothing to worry about. I sure will sleep better after the rainy season starts.  Countdown to rain - 20 days........beginning to worry that is wishful thinking......


  1. How do I sign up to get your blog? Lucy

    1. Lucy, go to the sidebar on the right to 'Followers' and click to join this site. C


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