
Friday, August 9, 2013

What a rack!!!

These are 2 of the 3 bucks eating my flowers just a few minutes ago, there are 2 others that usually hang with them but I didn't notice them this evening. Sam chased them all off early this morning. At least they don't like figs.

This is the elder buck - he's huge. Boy would I love to find those antlers when he drops them, what great basket handles they'd make.

Here's one of the younger bucks, you can see the tail of the other one in the upper right corner. They're both about the same size, much smaller than the elder buck, maybe yearlings. And that's the red van behind them - it's been sitting out front for quick getaway in case of fire.....gotta always be thinking......


  1. Are they always around, or just here to get away from the fires, I wonder? I love their ears.

    1. We always have a lot of deer on our property, they lounge in the shade, eat in the front yard but this year we have more bucks than usual and they're all hanging together - they were here before the fires. With the dry weather they are looking earlier in the summer than usual for goodies to eat as much is drying up. This fall when they go in rut I will be hearing the clash of antlers at night outside the bedroom window and the snorting that goes along with it as they vie for the females - pretty cool.

  2. Great photos! That would be so cool to see!


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