
Friday, August 30, 2013

New knitting book published

Friend Lucy from my weaving guild has published a book on knitting, it had previously been an e-book, now it's in print and available on Amazon.  Check out Lucy's blog to see what she's up to and to find out more on the book and how to order it. I'm going to get one.

I haven't given a fire update in a number of days because things are going so well here. It's been over a month since the fires started, a tough month for those evacuated and on evacuation notice (many still are) and a really tough time for the fire fighters dealing with danger, injuries and poison oak galore. The fire camps (mini cities) are getting smaller but still staffed by many, the tent is still set up 2 miles from us selling fire t-shirts (I survived the Big Windy) but a large number of fire fighters have moved on to more pressing fires requiring more attention. Good karma being sent to those dealing with threatening fires in other areas of the west right now.

Big Windy - 24,208 acres burned, 67% contained
Douglas Complex - 48,679 acres burned, 90% contained
Labrador Fire - 2,023 acres burned, 0% contained but hasn't grown in weeks
Both the Brimstone & Whiskey Complex Fires are 100% contained

Countdown to rain - 32 days......and it can't come soon enough as we're all really tired of fire season this year.


  1. I didn't realize it at the time, but my mom taught me how to knit using the continental method. I just thought that's how everyone did it. LIttle did I know I was "euro cool."

    How cool your friend published a book on it.

    1. I've tried to learn the continental method in the past but struggled with the purl stitches and some decreases for some reason.....well, struggle isn't quite the word for it, just can't get fast at it so it feels like second nature. Even though I knit pretty fast I'm going to give this method a try again.


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