
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Just another fire sunrise........

Yeah, it's become the norm here as far as sunrises go.......growing weary of forest fires but I'm afraid this year there's no end in sight until it rains. Firefighting on ours is making headway but so many big ones across the west in so many states - very scary.

Am hoping to spend the day finishing up quilt blocks. I may wait on sewing them together until we get over to the coast again to make sure I want to make a king size quilt out of them, am now starting to worry about if it will look good with the painted furniture.........if not, they'll become 2 twin size quilts for the other room. I probably shouldn't be second guessing my color choices.

Hoping to get back to weaving soon and still have pounds & pounds of roving to dye but temps aren't quite low enough for me to be outside all day at the dye pots...not too mention too much smoke.

Last night I did fill another bobbin on the wheel, ready to start plying from the roving I started spinning at the fair last week.......hoping there's enough for a shawl.


  1. I hate to think that we're to the point of - just another fire sunrise. I thought we were done with American Fire smoke and now we're smothered from the Rim Fire in Yosemite. It makes one want to move East.

  2. ....or to the coast in my case!

  3. Beautiful sunrise, but I'm sorry to hear there is no rain on the way to help with the fires.


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