
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Photography Challenge - G is for........

G is for Gravel

G is for Glass Floats

G is for Gigantic Pine Cone.......I took this pine cone to spinning today to give to a friend who will give it to her sister for décor......if more fall from that pine out front I'll bring her those too. We have small, medium, large and gigantic pine cones on our 5 acres

G is for Ginkgo Leaf

G is for Ginkgo Leaves - last fall I collected a big bag of these at spinning after they turned golden yellow, I carefully put them between the pages of a phone book and Sam promptly took the phone book to recycling........what was with that??? He never takes it upon himself to do those things.......will try again this fall

G is for Girlfriends........this was today at spinning in town, it was a small group today but oh so fun......but they didn't eat all those psychedelic cupcakes - I brought a number of them home - yikes  Note: one of the girlfriends just pointed out that I'm not in the picture so if you're looking you won't find me......this is a pic of my girlfriends

G is for Golden Retriever

G is for Golden Retriever.....again........Bailey said you didn't think he was going to miss this opportunity did you???

Check out Benita's blog, the brainchild of this photography challenge.


  1. Good job on your G's. Your dog is so cute! You're so lucky to have a spinning group. I so wish I could find one around here. There was one about an hour from here years ago but it faded away.

    1. Yes, I've very happy to have such a great spinning group - they're my big extended family. Maybe it's time to start another spinning group in your area?

  2. You missed your chance to do "G is for Grants Pass" or, in honor of Sam and Jim, "G is for golf ball."

    1. Of course, Grants Pass!!! I totally missed that one. I had wished I had gotten a picture of Sam with golf bag, etc. when he left to play golf with Jim on Sunday - I thought about golfer and as an after thought to that I realized I should have taken a picture of the pyramids of golf balls at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort when we ate the restaurant there recently. The practice range (actually more than just a range) comes complete with golf pyramids, no buckets of balls there.

  3. Bailey is the best representative of "G" since Sesame Street did letter count downs.

  4. Glorious Gs! What fun this challenge is. I envy you your access to Golden Ginko leaves in the fall.

  5. Great post-you are rich in the girl friends...good for you!!!

  6. I had to laugh as soon as I saw the ginkos. How could you not include them? :)


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