
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Photography Challenge - F is for........

F is for Figs.......our two trees are loaded this year

F is for Foghorn.......this is the one I hear at night over on the coast when the windows are open

F is for Fossils - we find this in our treasure hunts on the beach.  The two on the left are actually one - we look for the rocks with a line which indicates a possible shell inside, then Sam hit it with the hammer to break it open to reveal the treasure inside.

F is for Flickering Flame

F is for Fish - a raku piece found at the Clayfolk Sale held every fall.....

....and another raku fish......

......and yet another

A steel Fish from a local artist.........'s another steel Fish found on a trip we took to the Olympic Pennisula........yes, a lot of fish in our house along with a river rock fireplace, live in the woods, near a river looking wonder I've stepped outside the box in decorating a beach cottage with all pastels and sea glass.........


  1. Your "F" challenge turned out great! We have a lot of figs on our tree this year too. Great photo of the foghorn/beach. I think the raku fish are great. What a fun idea to try if I take ceramics again. The other fish in your collection are really cool too. Great job!

  2. My friend wanda made a delicious fig compote for us last weekend. If you want, I can email you the recipe.

    Is the photography challenge helping you enjoy taking pictures more?

    1. I'd love the fig compote recipe. I end up drying the storing many of the figs.....if I can keep from popping them in my mouth like candy but I always welcome recipes - I made a fig upside-down cake in the past, it was yummy.

      Not sure if the photography challenge making me enjoy taking pictures more but I am getting to know my camera a bit more - but really I'm a point and shoot kind of gal.

  3. I am so jealous of your fig tree. YUM!!


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